Operations Team                Jing Jiang 蒋靖 -- Director of Fundraising Compaign


Jing Jiang received the B.S. degree in instrumentation engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 2002 and the M.S./Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, in 2007.

During the academic year 2004-2005, he was a visiting scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Institut Eurecom, Sophia-Antipolis, France. He worked as a summer intern in IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Seagate Research Center and Legend Silicon Corp., in 2006, 2005 and 2004 respectively. In 2007, he joined Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, as a System Engineer in Corp. R&D Department.

Dr. Jiang was the recipient of 2006 IEEE Communications Society Data Storage Technical Committee Best Paper Award for the paper "Iterative Soft-Input Soft-Output Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes by Adapting the Parity-Check Matrix," published in the August 2006 issue of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. He is a member of IEEE.